Thursday, April 9, 2009

There is always a first time...

Right… my first post. Used to dream about creating a blog but never had the time to make it happen. Used to be a workaholic jet setting between Malaysia and Russia (yup… business class lounges used to be sort of a second home for me) and have always had my heart set on becoming a career woman. I mean, how could I possibly say no to the paid meals and hotels on the corporate credit card, a fat pay cheque at the end of the month and climbing the (vicious but satisfying) career ladder? Used to dream about continuing on another cross posting with dear hubby outside of Malaysia and fantasize about being out and about with other expats couples in their weekend social meets. Used to crawl the shopping malls for the latest designer handbags must-haves and still have plenty of moolah at the end of the month. It was a good life…

However - 7 months back, my world was turned upside down when there were two lines instead of one on the dreaded test. I remember cowering beside the toilet bowl clutching the “stick” and thinking to myself “are you (insert your favorite profanity) ******* crazy to even try to be a Mummy???” Worse still – I was approximately 10,198 kilometers away from home!

It took me about a month to clear my head, summon my courage to tell the boss, and kickstart the process of moving back to sunny ol’ Malaysia.

Now – at 38 weeks, I have completely transformed. I look back and thank God for this gift growing inside me. I thank God for my darling and loving hubby and I thank God for giving me the same career satisfaction albeit it being at home in KL.

That pretty much summarizes the roller coaster ride that I went through. I bet there are plenty more rides in the future with an additional family member and all. Therefore, here’s to me… being a Mummy!


  1. Woo hoo.. first post ever!!..congratulation on the official launch of the soon to be aiden's diary..;P

  2. and your baby is soooo beautiful... thats a sacrifice worth making dear!

    keep making lots of them kay...:p

  3. Make lots of babies? Hehehe... i'll take a bit of a break while waiting for you to have one!

    Thanks for the comment, Sophie!


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