Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Aiden’s 1st visit to the Doctor…

Yesterday was Aiden’s first visit to the Pediatrician. His scheduled first month check up was due on the 15th of May but as Daddy had to work, the appointment was rescheduled. And therefore, we celebrated Aiden’s full moon with a trip to The Gardens with scrumptious beef ribs for lunch at Tony Roma’s. Daddy’s treat with his brand new credit card. Heh…

So on Monday morning, we dressed Aiden up for the first time in his Baby Gap beach short jeans, and a matching blue top. Off we went to PCMC and arrived half an hour later than the appointment time. Sorry Aiden, your parents aren’t really punctual people! So Aiden was measured and weighed. Boy oh boy.. has he gained weight! He’s currently 5.1kg! He gained approximately 1kg in one month. Dr Padma (that’s Aiden sweet doctor, a neonatal specialist) said that Aiden is at the top percentile in terms of weight for babies his age. Apparently breast fed babies gain around 0.5 – 1kg per month, while milk formula babies tend to gain a bit extra. Aiden also got his Hepatitis B shot, and in response he wailed his lungs out. So not macho-lah Aiden! We also told his doctor about his preference to turn to his right, and the doctor thinks that its because of his position in the womb, therefore his right neck muscle may be a bit tense causing him to prefer his right. So starting tonight I would have to breastfeed Aiden while lying down on his left, just to stimulate his neck muscles. If this doesn’t work then Aiden may have to go for physiotheraphy exercises. *sigh*

And while waiting for Aiden’s medication, we met my boss – yet again! We met Hugo and his lovely wife and adorable daughter, Zainah on Saturday at The Gardens, and now again at the doctor’s office?! Wow, is this a sign that I’m sorely missed at work? Or purely a coincidence?

After that we ran errands around town with Aiden in tow, comfortable in his car seat! Fortunately, he does not really mind being strapped down (although there were a few bouts of crying in between). I think it’s the fact that the car seat fits snugly around him, making him feel like he is being hugged.

Aiden fresh after his shower (with the nerdy hairstyle, thanks to Daddy!) and wide awake on the way to PCMC.
Aiden after the doctor check up. The orange sticker was to indicate that he went through the H1N1 screening before entering PCMC.

Aiden fast asleep while Mummy & Daddy went amok running errands around town...

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