Saturday, June 20, 2009

Of Michelin Man and a Delicious Dinner

After another afternoon of showing off junior heavy-weight Aiden (who amazingly is as lanky as his 7-month old cousin!) to yet another set of relatives whom haven’t seen him, Mummy and Daddy decided to have an evening out in One Utama.

After strapping Aiden in his carrier, we went around One Utama - Mummy eager to have her dose of retail therapy. It was then that I realised that strollers are pests when it comes to shopping. As hubby was strapped down with Aiden on his chest, I was assigned to stroller duty. Unfortunately, the stroller was too bulky to go in between aisles, and was constantly knocking onto shoes, blouses, pots and pans, heck anything that was in the store! When we bought the stroller back in December (yeah, 4 months before Aiden was due), we were overjoyed to purchase a spacious Maclaren stroller which (we hoped) would last Aiden as a newborn until he turns into a toddler. Regrettably, it would not fit into hubby’s car, it would fit ngam ngam into Baby Beemer – leaving minimal space for luggage and other knick knacks, it space hogs nearly half of a standard elevator and is quite heavy!

Well enough venting about the stroller. After (unsuccessfully) hunting for new shoes and formal blouses in preparation for Mummy’s grand return to work, we decided find a spot for dinner. On our way to Ms Read’s Delicious, we were greeted by none other than... the Michelin Man! They were having a promotion on Michelin Tyres and the mascot was making his rounds, taking pictures with everyone visiting their showcase. And because junior heavy-weight Aiden was dubbed the Michelin Man when he was born because of his arms yang berketak, we desperately wanted a shot with the mascot.

Aiden at 3 days old, with his tangan berketak...Aiden posing with his idol, the Michelin Man!
Michelin Tyres printed a complimentary photo of Aiden with the Michelin Man. Aiden fell asleep right after meeting the Michelin Man, so we continued our way to dinner. Upon arriving at our table, we transferred the sleeping baby to his (very spacious!) stroller. As soon as his head touched the headrest, he opened his eyes curiously and fortunately kept himself very amused with the new noises and bright lights around him. We ordered a salad, sirloin steak and chocolate brownie for dessert. I jokingly told hubby that if Aiden starts crying, it would mean that the food will be arriving soon. Just as I predicted, Aiden started crying for his food, and as I was busy fussing around with the nursing poncho to start breastfeeding the hungry boy, the Delicious food came! Aacckk... very frustrating!

Aiden, literally wide awake, with his eyes wide open.Mummy, glad that Aiden is preoccupied - while silently hoping that the food arrives, pronto!Aiden's shoe peeking out of the nursing poncho.

Daddy on dukung duty while enjoying the salad.
Hubby forced me to snap an "artistic" photo of the salad leaf.
Mummy on dukung duty while enjoying the scumptious Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Ice-Cream (with Aiden looking greedily on.. hehe).

So that was how our Saturday went. Looks like Sunday would be a stay-at-home day. Hubby wants to do gardening and tend to his fish pond. Looks like I would be keeping myself busy with the internet again. Hmmm......

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