Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Doddles of a Working Mum

It has been ages since I last wrote. As anticipated, both Aiden and work have consumed most of my time. I am no longer a lady of leisure, though I have to admit, it is nice to be back at work. It is nice to have a reason to wake up early in the morning (as opposed to my tendency to stir from sleep whenever Aiden decides to), to have a reason to dress up (as opposed to my penchant for T-shirts and Bermuda shorts at home), and to interact with other career oriented people throughout the day (as opposed to sitting glued in front of the laptop with Aiden in hand).

My first day at work was quite eventful. Apart from fielding various compliments such as “Wow, you look hot gurl!” and “ Eh, you kena gelek ngan steam roller ke?” I had 417 unread emails in my inbox and was already attending meetings and handovers.

My boss had assigned a senior engineer to handle my workload while I was away. Surprisingly, I am quite territorial with my work responsibilities. I immediately made myself busy trying to catch up with all the changes that has happened, planted myself firmly into any discussion or meetings that had anything to do with my work, and has since made the workload mine again. Yes, very territorial!

Since I started working, I can no longer find the time to cook! I’ve cooked dinner a grand total of twice in the past 2 weeks. I made another batch of chocolate chip cookies – well I measured the ingredients and made Bibik do all the work, so does that count? Haha.

Apart from my workload, I religiously attend to my weekly workout as well. This week is the final workout before measurement day next week. My Red Spartans team needs to win this challenge, as we are currently neck-to-neck with the Green team for the overall Healthy Lifestyle Challenge win. And with the puasa ganti marathon I’ve been doing for the past 2 weeks, hopefully we’ll taste victory!

As for Aiden, he is as chubby as ever. He has an apparent dislike for the McDonalds corporation (and the Old MacDonald nursery rhyme), and has successfully meniarap a grand total of three times. Aiden also attended his first black tie event – in which he donned a black tuxedo, complete with a black cummerbund and a red bow! Which reminds me, I need to chase the photographer for the official pictures from that night.

My alma mater also held their gala reunion yesterday – it was interesting to watch old girls catch up in their finest dresses in the middle of Pavilion, and envisage us (me and the BBGS gang) like them 15 years down the line.

Till I find the time to doodle again, Ta!

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