Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Puree Food Galore

Last weekend I allocated some time to puree a whole lot of carrots, sweet potato, peas and apples for Aiden. Don't they look yummy?

The end product: 5 ice cube trays of yummy pureed food.

A closer look. I tried the pureed carrots. Erm... and I didn't really like it!

Frozen cubes to be thawed in the microwave.

Anyone wants a bite? Honestly, they don't taste that great. Aiden actually prefers the porridge plus spinach and powdered anchovies combination. So in the end I told Bibik to give him the pureed food I made for his dinner. For his lunch, he gets his favorite porridge mix!

In a nutshell, Aiden is a true blue Anak Melayu. Hehehehe...


  1. Anak2 eynda pun prefer porridge je masa kecik2 sampai la sekarang pegi mana pun cari nasi....even dulu bawak adam gi new zealand pun kena carikan nasi... :-D

  2. Hehe.. rasenyer ade kena mengena jugak dgn pemakanan mase preggie. Mase Liz awal awal preggie punyelah susah nak carik makanan halal. Macam nak nangis makan Fillet O Fish and kebab and Maggi. By the time pindah balik Malaysia dah 5months pregnant - terus melantak makan nasi daging merah and tomyam tiap malam sampai deliver. Lepas nie nak kena carik resepi masak porridge utk babies! Kesian Aiden makan porridge sama jer tiap tiap hari ;)

  3. oh liz simpan mcm ni ek..kire frozen la ni..bleh thn brapa lama aa? sy kalo buat puree tu slalu buat utk 2 hari je..tak bg frozen. puree buah je..carrot tu nk buat tp tak sure thn ke tak. tu tak terbuat pun..sweet potato plak penah gak tak tidur mlm si irfan sbb kembung..;)

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  5. Wirda, rasenyer boleh tahan lama jugak. Liz selalu buat puree tuh tahan sampai seminggu lebih. Carrot tuh actually lagi sedap baked daripada steamed. Potong panjang panjang, bungkus dalam aluminium foil and masuk dlm oven for 20mins. Pastu puree kan jer.

    Aiden alhamdulillah takde pulak kembung perut. Susah buang air besar tuh selalu jugakla.

    Hehe... tak sabar nak jumpakan dua dua Irfan ;)

  6. oh baked carrot tu ek.. okeh wiken nih bleh try..

    u know what, seblah umah i pun anak dia nama irfan...hahaha 5mths..


  8. Kalau tak frozen kan, tahan dalam 2-3 days jer. Jangan refreeze makanan yang dah di-thaw. Kalau frozen, boleh tahan about 3 months.


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