Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Its The Day Before Ramadhan, and I'm Ordering Raya Cookies!

The older I get, the more "responsibly aware" I become.

I guess everyone knows that Hari Raya outfits would have to be sent for tailoring two months before Eid. But last year I had the sudden revelation that Hari Raya cookies need to be ordered at least a few weeks before Ramadhan. This year, it was another surprise eye-opener for me when I found out that beading works orders close 4 to 5 months before Eid!!!

Note to self for next year: Beli kain 6 months before Eid, allocate 2 months for tailoring to be on time to send the outfit for beading 4 months before Eid. 2 (or even 3!) months before Eid must purchase Raya cookies. Rest and relax for a month and then a month before Eid start scrambling for Hubby's and Aiden's baju Melayu. Sounds like a plan?

Anyway, despite proper planning, I find myself in the same position this year as last year - Hari Raya cookies-less. Thankfully, Aunty Nani was accepting orders up till the day before Ramadhan. Thus, I found myself battling a massive traffic jam on NKVE to Bukit Jelutong on that Tuesday afternoon.

Like last year, Raya cookies served at my house would be courtesy of Hanis Zalikha's mum. (Heck, if you're a blogger, please do not ask me who Hanis Zalikha is...)

And guess who greeted us at the door? The all famous baby that Hanis Zalikha calls pipi labuh or debab. And yes, her pipi memang tembam. And gebu. And putih. She's a cutie!!! (Aiden pun mula lah his casanova moves...)

Aiden, Aiden... Mummy tak pernah ajar singkap baju depan chicks, okay!

Yes Aiden, I am serious. And no pathetic pick up lines, as well, please...

Actually, it was Arissa who was showing Aiden the moves. Up and down the sofa. Tawaf the living hall. Munch on cookies. And of course, Aiden also made his way around the house like it was his own. Tried to pry open cabinets and drawers. Pulled the cat's tail. Wanted to opened the cookie jar and ended up making a mess on the carpet *iskh*...

Such a cute pair they make. Furthermore, they are both sebaya. And they both kept each other company while Mummy struggled to have a bite of every single cookie sample (while exclaiming, "sedapnya, macam nak order semua!!!").

And so my raya cookies are a done deal. Next on the list would be shopping for Hari Raya outfits and shoes for the petite casanova!

Hmmm... maybe next year I would discover that catering booking for Hari Raya open house must be made 7 months before Eid - or something as ridiculous as that???!!!

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