Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My 31st Birthday and Bringing Ian Home!

Reminiscing my 31st birthday (at the hospital, where else??) and random pictures taken during my very short one night stay at the hospital.

Ian's first morning:

Such a good baby, he slept through most of the day.
Hospital tag.
Andddd... still sleeping...
Accompanied by Aiden's yellow moo moo cow.
Andddd still sleeping!
This brought a smile to my face. Despite giving birth to Ian, 17 minutes after turning 31 - my hospital tag still states me as being 30 years old!

Ian's first afternoon:

Abang Aiden arrived in the afternoon, all excited!

And insisted on giving a toothy grin in reaction to his baby brother *sigh*
And a very subtle poke!

Ian's first night, and my "surprise" birthday party.

Happy birthday to both Ian and I!
Picture with the proud Daddy.
The birthday cake. Yes, pantang doesn't start until I arrive home.
Surrounded by flowers!
Of course, Aiden insisted on cutting the cake.
First family photo.
Oh paparazzi!
And then Aiden scooted off.
Surprise visit from the neighbours! Love you girls! *kisses*

Comparing Ian to Aiden.
The next morning:

We're going home! Doctor cleared Ian with just a slight jaundice.
Well someone's excited to bring Ian home!
Our hospital room. 
The view from our room.
Peeking to see us.
And back to sleeping...
And still sleeping...
Going home outfit!
Pyjamas for the first night at home.
First shower by Daddy!
I literally built a fort around him.
Welcome home Ian!
First smack by a fellow friend. *grin*


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