Friday, March 21, 2014

Ian is for Adrian

Okay, I really have to clarify something here.

I chose Aiden's name. After watching so many Sex and the City episodes while being snowed in, in my room in Sakhalin, the name Aidan (SJP's boyfriend that season) kinda stuck on me. There was also an Aidan Connelly who worked with me back then and I used to secretly admire his name, dreaming that one day I would call my son by that name. Alhamdulillah, Hubby agreed, and we made his second name Irfan because when combined with Aiden, it rolled off our tongues nicely. And of course, Melayu lah sikit! (I initially wanted him to be Aiden Rizq, but now I think Aiden Irfan is much much nicer.)

BUT! I did not choose Adrian's name. I was close to 8 months pregnant and we were getting nowhere with a name that starts with an A, for our second born. Truthfully, I was actually looking through our worldwide GAL (Global Address List) for some name suggestions and Adrian was one of the names I shortlisted; but after receiving so much flack from choosing such a mat salleh name for Aiden, I didn't want to go through it again.

So imagine my surprise, when Hubby suggested the name! His actual words were "How about Adrian, we can call him Ian!" Erkk.. ok same mantra as shopping, grab and pay. Or in this case, agree and proceed. And pray hard that he doesn't change his mind.

Next came the task of choosing his second Melayu name. Should we maintain the same initials as Aiden, i.e. A and I? What happens when we have a girl and I want her second name to be Yasmin? (Chewah, when we have a girl??!!!) First, we decided to keep an open mind and just look for any names which can match Adrian. Then we looked at names that starts with an I. Iskandar was one of the names on the list, and Hubby immediately agreed. He said Adrian Iskandar sounded very "handsome" - oookkaaayyy whatever that means. I think he meant sounded very macho, kut!

And so we proceeded to quilt the name on the hat, and usually when that is done - it meant that the name was cast in stone.

Then Ian was born. And I was utterly shocked when at least 4 people told me (on separate occasions) that they thought I chose the name! And I bet many more thought the same, but didn't have the heart to tell me so. My cousin said "Adrian tuh sure Kak Min yang pilih, Abang Siddiq pilih Iskandar, kan?" A neighbour was a bit more indirect when she asked "Bila you pilih nak panggil dia Ian? Sebab tuh ke you pilih nama Adrian?"

*sigh* Salah I jugak... *shakes head in disbelief*

Anyway, last week I told Hubby about how people perceived that I gave Ian his name. And imagine my shock, when Hubby told me that he chose the name Ian first, from the deejay Ean Nasrun? He wanted to be able to call his son Ian, but just Ian would sound too mat salleh, so it became Adrian. And then he chose Iskandar to honour his Uncle Is who he admired greatly.

So there you go. Phewww, all is clarified now! *grin*

Ian - one month and one week old. Check out the similarities between him and Aiden. They nearly look like twins here, although Aiden has sharper eyes but Ian has a sharper nose.


  1. I was looking for Jumperoo and was lead to your blog. My sons were named Ayden and Adrian too. What a coincidence! :)

    1. Hey, that is certainly a coincidence! Are they about the same age as my boys? Thanks for reading my blog! :)


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