Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ATV Adventure at Mudtrekkerz Paintball Park, Cahaya SPK!

I know this is over a month overdue, but how did you celebrate your 14th of February?

Hubby is a big believer of not celebrating this date. His excuse is so he can shower his love at any day of the year. *scoffs* Uhuh, yes Hubby… I am totally believing this lame excuse.

Thank goodness Aiden made a card at school, so at least someone remembered to shower me with some love that morning. (Aiden actually came home from school, hid the card somewhere before I got home from work, woke up extra early the next morning to get the card and even prepared a simple breakfast of toast and jam for Hubby and I! Oh, my boy has certainly grown up!)

In turn, I also made some special arrangements of my own. Cahaya SPK has its own little extreme park just by the clubhouse. So I decided to surprise Hubby with an ATV adventure!

(Okay who are you and what have you done to Liz??!!)

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not one for wild impulses. I order the same food over and over again (not adventurous). I can’t even ride an adult bicycle (scared of heights). Don’t even mention roller coasters (super scaredy cat)!

Truth be told, I actually booked the ATV adventure thinking that we were going to be driving on paved roads around our Cahaya SPK neighbourhood *can wave to neighbours and look super cool*. Little did I know that we would be going through mountains and valleys (exaggerating slightly here) in the Cahaya SPK unexplored terrains!

At the start of the track, just by the paintball park - oblivious to the rough terrain ahead of us!

Maybe I should have guessed it wasn't as easy as I expected it to me. I mean - look at the splatters of mud all over the vehicle!

We started our adventure by first driving the ATV through man-made rocky mounts. Sort of a familiarization session with the ATV. I actually chickened out the first time, but they wouldn't allow me to bypass the obstacles before going into the real thing. So round and round we went, up and down man-made mounts until we got a grip on how to handle the vehicle.

Here's me at the start of the actual ATV track. We were led by the guy on the scrambler. 

There was also a guy who accompanied us on foot. 

Hubby insisted that I went ahead of him... good thing he did!

Because I lost control of the ATV and rammed into the first tree I saw!!!!

Ohhhh the track was tough! Well tough by my standards at least! (Hubby barely broke a sweat). The incline and decline were steep and rocky. The track was very narrow - there were some spots where if you over shot your drive, you would go tumbling down a ravine. The ATV handling was heavy (no power steering... duhhhh *slaps own forehead*) and I kept losing control of the ATV every time I went over a rock or a tree root or whatever. It was crazy! I was like this close *shows tiny gap between index finger and thumb* to quitting, but the guy who accompanied us by foot kept encouraging me, saying "No problem Kak! Takpe... bolehhhh" and helped me dislodge and maneuver my ATV each time I collided into something.

Don't be fooled by this smile. I was already asking the guy, "Jauh lagi ke???!!!"

And don't be fooled by this innocent looking incline too!

Finally!!! We got to the end of the track. I was too whacked from all the adrenaline rush, so I asked Hubby to drive up to me for a picture. Really, all I wanted to do was to get off the damn thing!

We did it, partner! *proud smile*

I only noticed this at the end of the track, "ATV use can result in severe injury or death". Uhuh... never again for me!

The adventure park houses about 10 ATVs or more, so you can actually plan like a family day ATV getaway or something. 

Relieved smile!

Anyway, a month after our little adventure, and now that all the stress hormones and terrifying memories have been flushed from my body; I'm actually glad I took the plunge to do this. Another one I can scratch off my bucket list! According to Hubby, the track wasn't that tough, so I hope this humble post of mine hasn't deterred you from trying this out. Give it a try, you may be quite surprised by how much adventurous you are compared to me! *cheeky smile*

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