Monday, March 9, 2015

Top 200 Most Popular Bloggers in Malaysia 2015


Only one word for this moment.... and that is "wow".

I was googling myself (hey... who doesn't??!!) when I found this. Listed as one of the Top 200 most popular bloggers in Malaysia!!!!! Click here to view the list.

Pheww! Let me catch my breath for a second. 

When I started writing this blog, it was never for fame or fortune. (And it still isn't for fame... and fortune? What fortune???) I wrote because I wanted to record Aiden's birth, his development, his antics and insyaAllah, his successes. I took a bit of a break between 2012-2013, but when I became pregnant with Ian in 2013, I realized that I missed writing about so many moments with Aiden especially during his terrible twos and threes. Which was such a shame. That so-called myth about the "mummy brain" is now proven true; many women expecting a baby do in fact suffer considerable memory loss. So instead of assuming that my memory cells are endless, I concluded that writing in this blog guarantees preserving long term memories.

And to be listed as a "mummy blogger"... erm, what's that all about? I started writing here during my mid-twenties. If you had told me back then that I would be super domesticated five years down the road - creating birthday parties, baking my own birthday cake and even becoming a soccer mum, I would have probably laughed my head off. I guess maturity pays off because here I am... overjoyed and honoured to be a mummy blogger!

I found my niche, and that would be a party-planning-cum-baking Mummy. I don't know whether I will continue writing within this niche five years into the future - but I hope people remember my writings for their charm of the content . 

To be chosen as one of the top 200 bloggers in Malaysia, was never a target. But nevertheless, I wouldn't have achieved this without all of you, my loyal readers. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart - thank you for reading. It is always a joy for me to go to Google and type "lizzie"... and find lizzieasamummy listed right after lizziemcguire. *chuckles*

Top 200! Thank you!

I am slowly but surely creeping towards my 500k reader mark. I'm thinking of creating a giveaway. You know, like a token of thanks to you. What do you think? What would you like to receive?

Speaking of fortunes, I am still waiting for the day when I can make a fortune just from blogging. *wishful thinking* This week I have twenty five (I repeat twenty five!!) cost-per-unique-visit campaigns fron Nuffnang, which is the most I have recorded in my history of blogging. Thank you Nuffnang and advertisers, for the trust.

25 CPUVs!

End of acceptance speech... *chewah* Keep on clicking and thanks for reading!


  1. It's 2017 are you still actively blogging? Have you surpassed 500K readers?

    1. Yes I am and I have actually surpassed the 1.5M mark :)


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