Hello hello hello!
Yesterday was certainly an eventful day for me. It was my first green screen group interview! (Or should I say debate?)
As a blogger, I've been blessed with the experience of being interviewed in front of the camera, interviewed in a press conference, and acted in a video shoot. But this time around, Nuffnang decided to test my limits yet again!
Malaysiakini held a tri-party debate among hard core users of iPhone, Samsung and Huawei, and there was certainly no surprise on which camp I was fighting for. Each smartphone brand was represented by two participants, and we were all provided with some background questions so we could do our own research.
The green screen magically became a blue screen on TV! |
Dry run session in the morning. |
After hair and make up. |
The first time we shot the first few questions, the crew pulled everyone out and told us to stop being so proper and polite. They wanted drama... blood and tears, the whole works. (
Ok fine I'm exaggerating but you get the gist). So we were asked to re-shoot the whole thing all over again. Needless to say, it ended with Pokeballs being thrown at each other, mic drops and even a blue wig came out
(say what???!!) *giggles*
Anyway, I had a crazy fun time with everyone. I won't get into the details just yet, but stay tuned for the full video, soon to be released on Malaysiakini. (As usual, be kind on the critics! Especially since we had to act outside of our comfort zones, to make it an interesting, dramatic and viral-worthy for everyone. But don't worry, in the end we all remained friends. *
chuckles* )
Funny moment during the shoot. |
Group shot at the end. |
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