Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Preparations for Ian's Thomas Birthday Party

Yes, I made it to the office!

Kick-starting my backlog of birthday party posts. This blog post is dedicated to the simple (yes simple!) preparations I made for Ian's birthday party back in November.

Unlike Aiden's Star Wars birthday party early in the year, the hype leading up to this was unbelievably laid back. Somehow, I took it easy... way too easy, I must say! I scouted the event location the week before India, traveled to India, came home from India and literally had exactly 7 days before the party.

A picture is worth a thousand words, hence here are some photos of my DIY adventures for Ian's Thomas Train birthday party:

After hours of research online, we decided to do a 3D Thomas cake for the party.

Moist chocolate cake. Recipe here. It was a buttercream nightmare, but I persevered because Ian loves this particular chocolate cake! 

Too many edges to the cake (fondant nightmare!) hence I had to cover the cake with fondant, half by half.

The middle joint is clearly seen here, but with some brilliant camouflage.......

Tadaaaaa... no more middle joint!

The side profile of the cake.

This took a good 3 hours to do. Cookie toppers - Thomas and Percy!

You must be waiting for photos of the dessert table! Well two engineers tried to attempt this, and failed miserably. It took a lot of hair pulling and screams of exasperation to fit the train tracks on the table. The end result? Wait for the next post!

Yes, we had the party at McDonalds! In keeping to the spirit of keeping things simple, I decided to use the provided invites, rather than making personalized ones.

Decided to forego personalized printing on the boys' t-shirts. Instead, I decided to do some sewing! Purchased plain t-shirts from MD Textile and coloured felt from Daiso and Mr DIY. Couldn't get the exact Thomas blue, but this was close enough, I guess?

Okay, I cheated with this one. *giggles* I looked online for a pretty Thomas poster, then paid someone to design the wordings to make the banner (7x6 feet) for the dessert table backdrop.

Last but certainly not least, I found this chalkboard milestone poster online. Using simple editing on PicMonkey, I managed to personalize this for Ian in less than an hour. Super proud of myself!

Just for the record, some free printables for Thomas the Train parties here.

That's it! Told you it was a simple setup. Now stay tuned for the next blogpost - Ian's 3rd Thomas Train Birthday Party.


  1. Omg cant wait for the next post! I love that frame! So creative & memorable!! Inspiring! LoveLoveLove

    1. Hahaha thanks! The frame is especially memorable cos I edited it myself. No need to pay a bomb for someone else to do it for me. Nak guna sekali jer pun :)

  2. kreatif mommy la u Liz, always my favorite..kalau i pun tak se rajin u..kah kah

    1. Hehe we are always rajin in our own ways. Zie rajin masak, kut? :)


  3. sukenye tengok kek tu.......cant wait for the next post.


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