Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Where's My Freedom???

Remember my previous post about enjoying my freedom with my success at transitioning the two boys into their own room?

Well unfortunately, it was a short lived period of happiness. Hubby started having early morning telecons with Houston which meant that he had to leave the house as early as 5am. He decided that it was a good idea to let the kids sleep in our bed to 'accompany' me. Wrong move, bro!

Ian started having bedtime problems. Every time we escort them to their room for sleep time, he would cry "My room is scawyyyy (scary)" and he would bawl his eyes out. I've tried everything, from being firm (threatening to put him in the toilet if he leaves his room) to downright mean (actually locking him in the toilet - oh my heart broke that one time I had to do it). And I can never bring myself to do the cry it out method. I'm done being nasty so I'm now trying the SuperNanny way; waiting in front of the room until he falls asleep and escorting him back to bed whenever he attempts to leave the room.

But it is so darn exhausting. If Ian had his afternoon nap, it would take ages for him to fall asleep at night. Once, I waited an hour! Only to be woken up an hour later with him crying outside my door. And sometimes he would come banging on my door up to two times per night. Why two? Because the first time I rajin lah escort balik. Second time dengan I sekali dah tertido on his bed. It's a nightmare!!! *sigh*

I know fellow parents would say "sabar" and that perseverance is key. Tapi I am really really tired from all this drama. Hubby sleeps early all the time (due to said morning meetings) and I am usually up late at night supervising Aiden's revision for his upcoming exams. I really do not have time for this extra drama. Plus, it's not helping my bank account. Why? Because all those time spent in front of the boys' room, went to website surfing which led to online shopping. *sigh*

Sorry about the rambling but I'm really at wits end about what to do. Hence the vent. *double sigh*

Adorable... but so naughty at night!

Cheeky in the mornings, a nightmare at night!


  1. My kids still sleep with me. Except at Legoland! LOL

    1. Hahaha Legoland pun my kids excitedly slept on their own! I think it's the excitement thingy. Once that runs out, they come running back clingy to Mummy *sob sob*

  2. What freedom 🙄. The boys were trained to sleep in their own room before we left ygn. Now that we're back and daddy is away, back to mommy's bed it seems. #bertabahla

    1. Haha I love the #bertabahla hashtag. Yes, let's sama-sama bertabah. I don't know how much longer I can do this 'waiting until they sleep' routine *sigh*

  3. i have 2 girls and both are so clingy, so what i did? -renovate the room. i made a hole on the wall, put a sliding door in between my room and theirs and put a mirror tint. so,i got extra big mirror, my precious sleep and they get to sleep in their own room too..mission accomplished..hehe

    1. Hahaha genius! Although I would be so tempted to turn that room in a walk in closet instead. Perhaps when your two girls dah besar nanti? Hehehe


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