Thursday, June 10, 2010

Goodbye Inagiku...

Goodbye Inagiku :(((

Tenth of June was definitely a day to mark on the family calendar. We all made it a point to meet up at Tykoh Inagiku for the very last time. Yes, you read correctly. The long glorified Japanese restaurant shall be closed for good. The owner decided to sell it off and notified the staff only two weeks in advance. (Can you imagine being told that you would lose you job in two measly weeks??!!!) So the trusty cook texted my sister to inform us of this bad news. And unfortunately, the new owner taking over the restaurant has a new concept in mind. Which effectively means the end of nyummy-licious butter calorie infested prawns.

I'm salivating as I am typing.

I honestly do not know where else I am going to find prawns like this. As you remember, I wrote in a previous post about how I grew up with this delicacy. And in my 28 long years of life, I have yet to find a substitute. Not to mention the fried rice. Okay, so maybe the Fatty Crab fried rice would satisfy this craving. But the prawns??? *sigh* Definitely no match.

Mummy and Aiden braved the rain and traffic jam to eat at Inagiku one last time. And because of the running through the rain, naughty mosquitos attacked Aiden's nyummy thighs.

Big red spots on Aiden's shins.

We arrived later than the rest of the family, so by the time I sat down, my prawns were all ready to be devoured.

I am soooooo going to miss you, seafood fried rice!

While waiting for dessert, the family started camwhoring in Ingaku for the very last time.

Aiden ran amok through the tables and chairs, probably showing his dissatisfaction of the closure in his own special way.

The die hard Inagiku fans.

And Aiden was only starting to love the prawns. Can you imagine, Aiden's sister or brother will never ever get to taste Inagiku???

Abang chef making the last prawn order for the day. Specially for Hubby, packed to go.

Poor Hubby, away in Singapore but he so badly wanted to be part of the party.

I was wearing my brand new gold Gladiators. So Sex and The City!

No more Inagiku iced Ocha. Sob sob.

No more Inagiku green tea ice-cream. Double sob sob. (I usually would decline the green tea ice-cream, preferring the vanilla instead. But this time, for sentimental purposes, I decided to give it a try.)

"Aiden, you must try the ice-cream. You will never get to taste this again!" says Aunty Awien.

Aiden made himself comfortable on the timber flooring.

Last but not least, trust an accountant to split the bill using a calculator.

Posing outside the restaurant.

Tykoh Inagiku, you will be sorely missed. Thank you for never failing to feed us with nyummy-licious prawns throughout all these years.

Hubby, come home soon! The last serving of Inagiku butter prawn is safe in our fridge, awaiting your arrival!


  1. Aiden's sister or brother??? Bila lagi liz?? hehehe

  2. Hahahah Mira, not yet! not yet!!! ;)

  3. nk tutup dh? sedeynya. baru je plan nak g sana. dh le baru baca entry ni. sah2 dh tutup kan. agak2 chef tu g keja kat ne? body la plak.

  4. Dah tutup dah... sedih sangat. Teringin jugak nak call chef tuh check kat mane die kerja. Sebab nakkkkk sgt rasa udang butter lagi sekali!


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