Sunday, April 3, 2016

Light Sabers

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy on Star Wars party mode. Aiden and Ian's party is in exactly two weeks hence every single spare minute I have is spent cutting, gluing or assembling something that is related to the birthday. After this I will be up to my head in butter, flour and eggs so I am eager to get all the tedious DIY crafts out of the way.

Here's another Star Wars DIY inspiration from Pinterest - pool noodle light sabers! Unlike in the US, where pool noodles are sold at the Dollar Tree for yes, you guessed it... one dollar; pool noodles don't come cheap in Malaysia. I went scouting around Mr DIY, Daiso and Tesco, but found none for sale. I even went as far as contacting Prosun Swimwear for bulk orders. But still the cheapest was at ToysR'Us - RM21.90 for a length of 150cm.

So when I found these foam hangers going dirt cheap at GM Klang, I was ecstatic! 

So cheap, I nearly cried.

Using grey duct tape and black electrical tape, I taped the end to make it look like the handle of a light saber. And tadaaaaa.... three hours later 50 foam light sabers were done!

A hanger, repurposed as a light saber.

Okay, I'm off cutting personalized food tags. Till my next post, may the force be with you! *chuckles*


  1. Your dedication makes me cry *may the force be with you, Liz!*

    1. Hehehehe your comment made me howl in laughter. Thanks! ;)

  2. Hey Liz, many thanks for the tip. May I know which store or block that sells it?

    Mucho gracias!

    1. It is in Block A, 2nd floor. Turn left after the escalator. The shop is right smack beside the escalator. They sell a lot of acrylic stands too. Hope this helps!


Thank you in advance for leaving a comment. ;) All comments are moderated. Liz

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