Aiden is 4! |
This is by far the simplest birthday party I have ever organized for Aiden. I am so sorry Baby!
Well in all honesty, I never planned it to be this way. We finally confirmed our US trip early in the year, and since our departure date of end of May was so close to Aiden's birthday in mid April, the initial plan was to just postpone Aiden's birthday bash until we get home.
Kononnya let's just have a small party on the actual day, and leave the planning until after our holiday. Unfortunately, all those plans went down the drain when I found out I was pregnant. I felt tired and lazy all the time and even the thought of holding a bar of butter was enough to make me woozy. I guess that's what you get when you combine morning sickness with a drama queen!
And so this year, Aiden is old enough to choose his own party theme. He went through a Thomas phase (green Thomas cake, anyone?), then just a few months before he finally turned 4, he got hooked on Transformers! I was quite impressed that he was able to pronounce Decepticons, and was even more amused when he started calling his yellow
Mini Cooper S, Bumblebee! So, a Transformers cake it is. And after baking so many cakes (yes, wait for the pictures!), I made up my mind, enough of baking other cakes for customer's children. Time to bake one for my own son!
Note: I had the theme for his 3rd birthday even before hosting the 2nd one, and naturally I had the theme for his 4th birthday all planned out even before hosting the 3rd one. Trust me, Transformers was not the theme I had in mind. I was actually planning for a circus party (I had all the props for one, all ready!) but since this is a small BBQ party just for family, I relented and accepted the challenge for a Transformers theme. Looks like I have to save the circus party props for his 5th birthday!
Googled images of Transformers cakes for inspiration and I finally got started with the cake by baking two cakes in two separate bowls. Stuck them together with buttercream and covered it with fondant. This was how it turned out:
The assembled cake. Cut the sides to give it the Transformers shape. |
Covered with fondant. Separate fondant piece in front of the cake to make the mouth. |
A true baker's son. Playing with fondant while Mummy puts the finishing touches on the cake. |
Placed the Transformers head on top of a square moist chocolate cake. |
The next day, I spent the day pre-marinating the lamb and chicken and preparing various other dishes while Hubby got the BBQ ready. Aiden was of course, running around the house excitedly, wishing for the clock to go faster - which wasn't much help to us.
BBQ in the garden. |
Food, glorious food. Ignore Hubby's golf set and treadmill in the background! |
Scattered some helium balloons by the food table. I couldn't get it to stay in one place due to the outdoor wind, so excuse the asymmetrical positions. |
Beef lasagne, mushroom sauce and black pepper sauce for the marinated lamb and chicken, mashed potatoes and coleslaw. Vanilla cupcakes with swirl buttercream. All homemade. |
Pavlova and fruit trifle. Again, all homemade. |
Fried mee and fruits. And Hubby's favourite air sampah as we call it. It's actually ice cream soda with tons of mint leaves as "sampah", lime to give it a sour tinge and lychee fruits. |
It was a very simple do. We invited my aunt who lives close by, my cousin (with Aiden's favourite cousin), Hubby's aunt and her family, my sister and her friends and of course my in-laws and sister in laws. Very very small crowd and intimate dinner.
This is Abang Airyl, Aiden's favourite cousin. |
Aiden posing with his cake. Yes, he's as vain as his Mummy. Always ready with a pose. |
That is Darwisy on the right. Although they are both the same age, he is rightfully, Aiden's uncle. Check out my trusty KitchenAid in the background. |
Daddy lighting up the candles whilst Aiden's two best playmates looked on. |
Aiden blew the candles out all by himself! Such a big boy *sigh* |
We gave him a cake knife and he cut his own cake. Again, such a big boy *sigh* |
Aiden posing with his favourite Aunty Awien. |
And then it was finally the moment Aiden was waiting for. Presents! As usual, my in-laws got him a pair of pyjamas (it is their yearly ritual) while everyone else gave Aiden toys and story books.
Aiden ripping the wrapping paper. |
Look at that smile! |
OMG our son is 4! Happy birthday to the apple of our eyes, our source of happiness and joy. Please don't grow up too fast Aiden!
Love, Mummy & Daddy...
Salute!! Superb cake.
ReplyDeleteWell, keep the circus themed party for baby adik la pulak! 5-yo nanti entah theme apa pulak si abang mahu.
For the blue on the side that sticks up, is it just fondant or did you stiffen it?
ReplyDeleteThat's stiffened fondant ;)