Unfortunately, we didn't even ask whether our new home would be facing the morning or the afternoon sun. So of course we got the worse of the two. And after a week of surviving through the heat, I told Hubby, enough is enough! How the hell did the maid and Aiden survive the heat? And there is simply no way that we were going to live in this heat during Ramadhan. So finally Hubby succumbed and agreed to tinting the house.
Apart from the welcoming the new house look, we also welcomed new family members to the house! Hubby wanted to get a pet for Aiden and both him and I agreed that a cat wouldn't be suitable (it is simply too heartbreaking for me) so in the end he decided to get some fishy fish fish for Aiden!
Off we went to the biggest kedai ikan in Shah Alam. Xian Leng is the name of this place (I googled it!) and it is right beside Wet World. I swear, this shop has one of the best selections of fish, comparable to Pets Wonderland!
Aiden got so excited when we arrived. He wanted to jump in!!
They not only sell fish, they have guinea pigs too! Super cute.
Pretty polka dotted ikan pari.
Look at his excited face. He just couldn't wait to give the fish mamam food!
Waiting patiently for Daddy to open the plastic bag filled with fish.
Spooning the fish into the aquarium with Mummy's senduk sup (soup ladle). Iskh!
The next day it got so unbearably hot in the house and we were so worried that the fish wouldn't be able to take the heat so Hubby decided to plop in a few ice cubes into the tank.
Seriously, the water was so hot that the ice cube melted in a couple of seconds!
Thank god the next day the tinting guys came!!!
Tinting the dining hall windows.
And the living hall of course. The living hall has floor to ceiling windows which isn't really conducive for keeping the heat out.
We were debating for the longest time between going for green or brown. In the end we settled for green. See how much difference the tint made to the living hall window? The guy claimed that it would reflect 80% off the heat. And he was right!