What a blog title! Did it make you click the link any much faster?
So yours truly was invited along with 5 other mummy bloggers to attend and share our experiences with Hiruscar® Kids at the launch of Hiruscar® Kids 'Play More' Campaign and Mom Bloggers Forum.
Nowhere in the invite did it state that Ning Baizura was the facilitator of the Mom Bloggers Forum, so when I found out (upon arrival) that she was going to be part of the launch - I was simply floored! I have always admired Ning Baizura and her success in the entertainment industry, and to be able to meet her up close and personal, was definitely an event to be remembered.
Aiden enjoying the lunch provided by Hiruscar before the launch. It was through my camera view lenses here that I saw Ning Baizura for the first time! |
This mommy blogger and kid were asked to don Hiruscar t-shirts upon arrival. |
Funny story about the name tag; Hiruscar had my details hence they pre-labelled the tag with Aiden's name, so once he changed into his provided t-shirt, they promptly placed the name tag on him. Aiden turned to me, looking all confused and asked "
Mummy, how did they know my name???" Everyone at the registration table laughed at his innocence.
Aiden was truly enjoying his lunch - he wouldn't even put down the hot dog! |
I dragged this wannabe Mommy Blogger as well for the event. She turned out to be pretty useful, she became my personal photographer for the day! Thanks babe! *ioweyouone* |
The Hiruscar Kids Launch was held at the Explorer Outfitter, Publika. This topical scar gel formulated for children was launched together with its 'Play More' campaign, aimed at encouraging children to go outdoors and play more while equipping both parents and children with important safety tips to promote safe play.
Hiruscar Kids Launch at the Explorer Outfitter, Publika. |
Aiden and Danya excited before the start of the launch. |
Launch of Hiruscar Kids by Ms Irene Chan (General Manager of Consumer Health and Specialty Group of Healthcare Business Unit) and Ms Desryne Heng (Senior Product Manager of Hiruscar). |
Excited kids! |
After the launch, they moved on to the next item on the agenda, the 'Play Safe, Play More' Hiruscar Mom Bloggers Forum. I knew I was expected to speak (that's why it is called a forum, duh!) but little did I know that I was also expected to sit in front of the crowd together with Ning Baizura!
Hiruscar® Kids provided these huge plush bean bags near the stage for the mommy bloggers and their kids. Since Ning Baizura brought her cute son, Ryan Sky Dalton together with her, Aiden wanted to sit close to him (as he was holding a tablet!) so he got to sit beside Ning. Hence I had no choice but to sit beside Aiden and Danya. (Eh, instant mother of two??)
I think the kids were the most excited, being in the limelight and all. |
Thankfully, all the impromptu work presentations that I had to make at work paid off, because as soon as they kicked off the session, Ning Baizura invited the mommy bloggers to share their experience with Hiruscar Kids, then turned to me and said "Let's start with you?" Boy oh boy, I was definitely taken off guard!
So I chattered on about Aiden's experience with Hiruscar Kids and even managed to tickle the audience with my rendition of how Aiden got his scar. If you haven't read about the (bloody) incident, click
HERE to do so!
Sharing my experience. I bet the other mommy bloggers were busy crafting their own speech while I was talking! *grin* |
Ning Baizura checking out Aiden's scar. |
The crowd; media and VIPs included. |
Mommy blogger Miera! |
Afterwards, Ning Baizura fielded questions from the attendees of the launch. A journalist actually asked whether she could use Hiruscar Kids on her own scar! *
smile* Ning Baizura also shared with us how hands-on she is with her child and how she used Hiruscar Kids for a small scar that Ryan got from swimming. Really, she is one down-to-earth celebrity and extremely friendly too!
Listening to questions from the floor. Check out Aiden and Danya playing in oblivion! |
Then, it was the kids' turn to have fun. Professional actor and storyteller Marina Tan facilitated the Hiruscar® Kids Play Safe, Play More Holiday workshop. Extremely bubbly and fun, she organized three sessions for the kids, namely the Hiruscar Kids jigsaw challenge, Olaugh Goes Out to Play obstacle challenge, and Little Red Riding Hood story telling session.
Happy kids! |
Aiden and Danya listening attentively to instructions from Marina Tan. |
Ning Baizura given Aiden a few pointers for the jigsaw puzzle challenge. |
Super cute! The two best friends raising their hands together. Later, Aiden had a go at the jigsaw puzzle. |
OLaugh = Olaf. Geddit? |
Seeing the kids occupied in their play session, the two mommy bloggers decided to go trigger happy. |
To close the Hiruscar® Kids 'Play More' Campaign, a token of appreciation was given to Ning Baizura and the mommy bloggers. Each participating child also received an exclusive Hiruscar® Kids backpack, certificate of participation and gifts.
Cutie Ryan Sky Dalton. |
I received a Hiruscar Kids hamper. Yeay! More Hiruscar products for our home. |
So proud of Aiden, he walked up confidently to receive his backpack and certificate. The photographer actually asked him to pose further for the camera until the emcee of the event actually said "Aaahhh this one is a handsome one so he has to pose for more pictures!" |
Everyone that participated in the Hiruscar Kids 'Play More' campaign. It was good meeting all of you! |
How can we leave the event without a last pose with Ning Baizura herself? |
Thank you Hiruscar® Kids, for the invite and the opportunity. Hiruscar® Kids is retailed at RM29.80 per 10g and is now available in leading pharmacies nationwide.
Hiruscar Post Acne? Now where is that acne scar of mine... hmmmm.... |
Excellent post lizzie!
ReplyDeleteexcuse me, I need photos with Ning and etc please. Email email!
ReplyDeletehahaha "wannabe mommy blogger", i am a "wannabe celebrity blogger" and I should get paid for my photography work. :P
Ala we are all wannabe mommy bloggers. Until we get our own managers then we are "wannabe"s ok! Ok lah I pay you for your photography work... with food. Jom breakfast! Hehehe