Thought I should pen this down before I start clocking in to the office. Planning to take this entire week off, but preparing myself in case work calls!
Why a week off? Because the dreaded day has finally arrived; despite his many
many pleas of
"I don't want school", Ian finally headed for his first day at kindergarten.
Excited face, pre-waterworks. |
I tried so many psycho tricks, from taking him shopping for new stationery, getting him to help me with labeling his books, to asking him what food he wants to put in each lunch box. I guess it finally worked because yesterday he proclaimed,
"I want to go to school!"
I was ecstatic but really, very wary about the proclamation. Put him to bed early hence he didn't have an issue waking up this morning. He got dressed excitedly and ate his cereal breakfast without a fuss. Got into school and walked him into the classroom. Sat him down, told him that we'll be waiting outside, kissed him goodbye and walked out. Thankfully his class had a glass window by the side so I was able to peer inside to see.
As expected, the waterworks started almost immediately. No wailing or anything like that, but just really sad tears rolling down his cheeks.
Sampai tersedu sedu, his head jerking with every
sedu motion.
OMG my heart broke into a million pieces. Tears welled up into my own eyes!! I felt like scooping him into my arms and running out of the door. #ohthedrama
Hubby was no help. He wanted to get breakfast.
Keras hati sungguh! (And people say I'm the
garang one
hmmpphh) After a while, I saw a teacher holding Ian's hand and walking him and his friends to the sink to wash their hands for morning break. Finally I mustered up the strength to pull myself away from the window and allowed Hubby to drag me to breakfast.
Real Kids mummies, reunited for breakfast! |
Sharp at 10am (school ended early the first day), we picked him up. His first words?
"Just now I cried but after that I didn't cry!" Phewwww he must have stopped crying then.
Lega! Coaxed him to tell us more about his day at school, and even managed to record it on my phone. Interestingly, he ended his story with "
I don't want to go to school." *
chuckles* Wish me luck with tomorrow!!! Met up with his teacher who reassured us that he stopped crying, made some friends, and even asked his friends to call him Iskandar!
Hahaha that last one was quite a shocker!
Well done baby boy, for your first day of school! |
Anyway, enough airtime for Ian. Aiden had his first day of school today too.
Tapi anak bujang nie memang tak payah worry. He knows his way around school already.
Maklum lah, dah jadi senior sessi petang! But since it's our yearly ritual to send him to school on his first day, Hubby and I made it a point to walk him in, and stayed with him in line until it was his turn to walk to class.
Otai sangat senior nie, sampai tie pun tak nak pakai. *giggles* |
Standard 3 already! Time certainly flies. |
Gave him a kiss on the cheek before he went to sit with his friends, and he actually wiped it off!
Ish ish ish. Ok lah, so mum's kisses are no longer allowed in the school compound. You're growing up too fast, Aiden! This year, his class is all the way at the top most floor (yet again), but he specifically requested for a non-trolley bag. I hope he can cope with the weight of his books. *
sigh* Other than that, he looked really happy to be back with familiar faces and friends.
Ended the day with a pizza dinner as a reward for an awesome first day at school for the boys.
Phewww Hubby, we survived the first day of school! |
Hi sis