Baby A is coming!
That was the hashtag that my
gang pagar sekolah apparently created for the surprise event. Boy oh boy, it was definitely a surprise!
Since surprise baby showers were a tradition in our group, I knew that a baby shower was coming. But I did not expect for the baby shower to be held that soon! (I was at 31 weeks then!) Hubby
pun pandai berkomplot with the gang; he made up a story about an invite to a birthday party.
Siap we bought and wrapped a present
lagi for the fictional birthday boy. *
So anyway, he drove us to the venue (The Saujana Hotel Subang) and then dropped me off at the entrance on the pretext of not making me walk so far from the parking lot. So while I was walking into the lobby of the hotel, I suddenly had this suspicion that this was all a planned gimmick. Why? Because I didn’t see any signage to a so called birthday party, and honestly; I don’t know any of Hubby’s friends who would splurge on a birthday party for their son in a hotel! The minute Hubby walked in, I immediately pounced on him and demanded to see the invite.
Nampak muka dia panic while he tried to dodge the question, and insisted that I followed him. I on the other hand, refused to budge. And to my surprise, he actually walked away!
Ok sah sah something fishy was going on.
After waiting for a few minutes, suddenly he returned with one of the
gang pagar girls. *
Surprise tak menjadi! After a few minutes of persuasion (I still refused to budge cos I wasn’t mentally prepared, nor dressed for a baby shower!) I eventually followed them.
The venue they picked was fantabulous! It was a quiet corner in Ti Chen by the lake, and the whole area was cordoned just for us. The table was immaculately decorated in pink floral flowers, with a beautiful cake and diaper cake to top it all. They even dressed me up in a sash and a floral crown! Everyone came dressed in white and pink with matching floral crowns. I don’t think I can ever do justice to the deco in words, so I’ll let the pictures do the talking:
Yours truly with a beautiful floral crown and sash. Oh you can call me Booties too! *giggles* |
Beautiful signage, which is currently hanging in Baby AY's room. |
Flowers everywhere. That beautiful floral 'A' will be following me to the hospital as deco! Cake and diaper cake lovingly made by members of the gang pagar. |
The placemats. |
Princess A is coming! |
Matching personalized doorgifts. |
Our quiet corner. |
Setup for the cake cutting session at the end of the baby shower. |
After lunch, we moved on to games. After planning two baby showers for the gang pagar, I knew that we had played most of the games suggested online. Hence I was very intrigued on the choices of games that they had in mind. It turned out that they focused more on word games rather than activity games. Which was quite a blessing because doing physical activities while lugging around nearly 20kgs of extra weight around is no joke, ok!
Some of the word games we played. They were quite tough! |
wah semua excited nak menyambut princess A.congrats lizzy!