Selamat Hari Raya everyone! Although this wish is probably three weeks too late, I hope you and your family had a blessed Eid Mubarak and a wonderful year ahead.
We celebrated our Eid in Ipoh this year. Since we departed Teluk Intan only after break of fast (and another session of fireworks!), we arrived in Ipoh close to midnight. The next day, it was no easy task trying to get the kids to wake up. They were both cranky due to the lack of sleep. In the end Hubby left without us to perform Solat Aidilfitri, and left the daunting task of getting the kiddos ready to yours truly. Thankfully I still had the maid with us then - so she got Ian ready while I attempted to get Aiden out of bed. I even had to promise duit raya to Aiden to coax him to get into the shower!
Finally, we got everyone ready and once Hubby returned, we started the day with breakfast. My favourite part about celebrating Eid in Ipoh - the nasi minyak, rendang pedas with lontong, lemang jagung and last but not least, the oh-so-sinful kurma kambing! Okay, I am drooling as I am typing this. After the very satisfying breakfast, everyone headed to Opah's living hall for the customary salam and minta maaf and ampun (to forgive and seek forgiveness) session. Since we had so many people in the room, in the end, each family took a corner for themselves then everyone took turns going to each family to ask for forgiveness and receive/give duit raya.
This was our corner. Hubby holding a stack of money envelopes, but only for the deserving! Money envelopes courtesy of KiddyBounce. |
The only brother to receive duit raya from us this year. Everyone else is either working or married! |
Our turn to ask for forgiveness from my stepmother. Ian was more than happy to munch on his duit raya. |
A custom in the family. Everyone crowds around whilst someone throws money and the crowd is expected to fight for the money! Kids are strictly not allowed to participate - way too dangerous! |
After that, my Papa came and it was our turn to
beraya with him. Aiden obediently went forward to
salam first in anticipation of a big fat money packet from his grandfather! Guess what he plans to buy with all his
duit raya? A brand spanking new iPad!
Aaaahhh kids nowadays - so technologically savvy!
Tok kira duit raya! |
Aiden must be thinking, "New iPad, come to me"! |
The only reason why this picture is in this blog post is for me to show you how my baju raya looks like from the back. Full buttons all the way! Although those buttons are actually just for show, there is actually a zip at the back. *grin* I'm loving my new tailor! |
Ian's turn! |
Trying to get Ian to pose with his grandfather, especially since they both share the same birth date. |
Family photo with my Papa. Ian was not amused! |
Posing with the bigger family. |
Our family - although Ian practically refused to look at the camera. |
Us. Without shoes! |
My three boys. |
Selfie addicts! |
I have to admit, I am actually quite satisfied with the wash and blow from the Teluk Intan salon! Can repeat this next year. |
After all the camwhoring, we joined Papa for a second round of food (
oh the calories!) and then waited for Hubby's family to arrive. Yes, they decided to take the short drive up to Ipoh to visit their
Finally! A smile from the usually somber Ian. |
Aiden trying to kecek duit raya from his favourite Datuk! |
Collecting more money towards his new iPad funds! |
Driving to Papa's house with my in-laws. |
Hubby's family, clad in Tiffany Blue. |
I was absolutely enjoying the udang galah made by my stepmother, that I didn't even notice this candid shot. |
After visiting my Papa, we followed the rest of Hubby's family visiting relatives in Ipoh. By the time we got back to my stepmother's house, it was quite late, but we decided to still drive home to Shah Alam. Home sweet home, nothing can beat sleeping in your own bed!
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