Previous excuses I used to give to myself when I was too LAZY to run were:
- I much rather spend that time with Aiden.
- The treadmill is in the guest room.
- I cannot bear leaving Aiden at home alone while I drive to the clubhouse for a run at the gym.
- I'm tired from a long day at work. I'll do it tomorrow.
However, after being saddled with so many issues surrounding Hubby's surgery, slowly but surely I felt like I was going to crack. Crack from the pressure, the sheer exhaustion, juggling family and work priorities, all of this while still having to put up a smile at the end of the day and reassure everyone that everything will be alright.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not forcing myself to be all smiles, all day, everyday. I am naturally born like that. Friends close to me know that I usually keep all these pent up emotions and sweep them under the carpet until one day it goes kaboom and you see me crash.
But somehow, I found solace in running. One day, I just slipped on my running shoes and started running towards the hills of Cahaya SPK. The hills are actually part of Precinct 1 - where the bungalow lots are. Not even a single house has been built except for one under construction. Previously some of us would run up daily but then when security became an issue, it became such a taboo to run there. But the day I started running, I guess I just didn't care. I just needed to get away.
InsyaAllah, everything will be okay...

insyallah~~ always pray for the best.. :)