We were actually already on the way to IJN when we received the call telling us about the postponement. But in the end they told us to proceed to IJN anyway because Hubby had to do a minor procedure called a cardiac catheterization to measure his lung pressure.
Apart from this postponement issue (in which our cardiologist advised us to be patient and to put up with the surgeon's schedule since in the end, it is his hands that we want to do the repair), all my previous experiences with IJN has been fabulous. Okay, there is this one lady at the admission counter who was a bit kerek but then again she meets all kinds of Tom, Dick and Harry daily so I guess she's forgivable. And IJN impressed me again with their new wing of the hospital - the elevators, the interior designing, the rooms (the deluxe rooms even have wood laminated floors!), the food and most importantly the ensuites! Since my entitlement for every admission is a first class single standard room, this was extended to Hubby as well and I have to say, the rooms are even better than the ones in Gleneagles!
Sorry for the poor picture, the lighting was bad and I desperately need an iPhone upgrade. Anyway this is the single standard room. I even had a pull down bed for myself! Ample chairs in the room with a flat screen TV.
Three meals are provided per day with morning break and supper drinks. They provide a menu which is changed daily, and you are required to pre-order one day before. They can also prepare meals for a single person who is taking care of the patient, at a pre-determined price. I must say, the food is quite tasty although the portions are quite small. Dinner timing is also not suitable for us as they serve it at 6pm, so by 9pm Hubby is hungry again. Thank god my aunt's place is close by, so whenever I send Aiden to her house at night, I have my dinner and tapau dinner for Hubby as well.
We, on the other hand, are so used to seeing toddlers and babies at IJN that we don't even bat an eye when one walks in front of us. This is because, everytime Hubby has an appointment in IJN, he always meets with a Paediatric Cardiologist as Hubby's heart condition is a congenital one (he was born with it). All the nurses at the Paediatric Department knows him because he is usually the only adult patient around there. Just last week we saw this tiny tiny baby in an incubator being wheeled into the cardiologist room. The baby was probably quarter the size of Aiden (who was Alhamdulillah, a healthy 4.1kg baby). It breaks my heart everytime I see something like see this and usually I would say a quick prayer of thanks that Aiden was born healthy.
Six hours after the minor surgery, Hubby was allowed to stand up, and we were shocked when he started bleeding from the incision at his groin on the right. Turned out that the nurses did not plaster the area well! And Hubby also had to stay on a few days because he developed hematoma (internal bleeding) at the incision at his groin on the left, which is quite normal since they had to puncture his artery to insert the catheter. So he was sent to do an ultrasound to check whether there was any active bleeding. Thankfully there was none so we were finally allowed to go home on Tuesday afternoon. That's 5 days in the hospital - excluding the weekend as we opted for home leave.
Six hours after the minor surgery, Hubby was allowed to stand up, and we were shocked when he started bleeding from the incision at his groin on the right. Turned out that the nurses did not plaster the area well! And Hubby also had to stay on a few days because he developed hematoma (internal bleeding) at the incision at his groin on the left, which is quite normal since they had to puncture his artery to insert the catheter. So he was sent to do an ultrasound to check whether there was any active bleeding. Thankfully there was none so we were finally allowed to go home on Tuesday afternoon. That's 5 days in the hospital - excluding the weekend as we opted for home leave.
Back home, we were greeted with my family members who came all the way from Ipoh. I guess my Dad panicked when he heard that Hubby was bleeding so the whole gang came down to visit us.
So tomorrow we're checking into IJN again, and hopefully the surgery runs as planned. Please join us in praying for a successful surgery. And thanks for all the words of encouragement that you have left in my previous post. I sincerely appreciate each and everyone of them.
Take care, Liz. Everything is fine, Insya-Allah.