I have not made baju raya, erm, probably since 2006. That was 4 years ago. Yes, I did send a couple of new materials to the tailor about 2 years back which was made into a few beautiful baju kebayas but then Aiden happened, and sad to say, I have never been able to fit into it. I probably only tried them once, at the tailor during the fitting trial!
So I have been using the same (altered, post Aiden) baju raya for the past two years. And I sooooo need new ones. I don't think this extra 7kgs i'm carrying around is going away anytime soon. It is definitely time to embrace my new body shape. If all else fails, there is always the girdle. Hubby cracked up when I told him "The girdle is the second best invention in the world, after airplanes!".
Therefore, this year, I am proud to announce that I have sent 3 different materials to 2 different tailors. All for modern baju kurung. Hey, I know I will look horrible in baju kebaya. Kebayas are only for slim melim people, okay? And why 2 different tailors? Because I can't afford to send all my kain to the expensive tailor (read: designer) lah. Only one, thank you very much!
And he called yesterday! To pick it up!

And the beading was simply to die for. I died and went to heaven and came back. I love it!
That's all I am showing. You'll just have to wait another month to see the full creation. Even though my friends at work call it the "Lollipop" (because of the pastel colours), I still love it to bits and pieces. It is so me. Maybe not me when I turn into my 30s, but so me, right here, right now.
And now, I am contemplating ordering a kaftan from him. But I am so broke! But that red kaftan on the mannequin at his shop (which turns out to be an order from Erra Fazira!) looked absolutely delish. Sayang... pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeeee??? *puppy eyes*
Wow!! Hatta Dolmat :-) Mesti mahal kan....eynda beli readymade tahun ni...sebab body ni punya size suka berubah-ubah so takut buat awal2 nanti tak muat masa raya..erkkk...tak muat tu...bukannyer nak kata baju tu longgar kikiki...
ReplyDeleteHatta Dolmat tuh pernah buat baju raya untuk my sister tahun lepas, sebelum dia famous. So kira dah kenal lama so dia bagi harga yang agak attractive jugak. Kalau tak, memang sah sah tak mampu!
ReplyDeleteLiz kalau beli readymade pun entah entah tak muat. Stress!!! Takpe Eynda, kita lose weight masa puasa nie. Tapi nak merasa pakai kebaya? Haih, lambat lagi laaaa...
oh cantik nye the chunky beads..tak sabar nk tgk!
ReplyDeleteI bet sure cantik giler baju raya you ni...looking at that to-die-for beading pon dah boleh imagine how beautiful is your baju raya for this year..=)
ReplyDeletepu3, chunky beads is sooo in kan nowadays?
ReplyDeleteMira, thank you thank you. Can't wait to bergaya during raya! Hehe
Hi sis Liz, bpe erk hrge tmpahan kt Hatta Dolmat?? kain ats kite sndri...mmg marvelesss hsil kje die kat ur pic tuh;))