After the viral fever scare in Singapore, I decided to take Aiden to Prince Court for a second opinion. So I extended my leave another day (leaving my team in shambles *grin*grin*, sorry guys!).
Being in Singapore during the weekend effectively means not being able to check the progress of the house. And my ID Contractor had promised to deliver so much during the week!!! So off we went to visit the house (with jealous Hubby screaming on the phone in my ear because he had to wait an extra 5 days before getting back home - that was how excited he was).
I know I haven't posted any renovation updates on the new house for quite a while now. But I think it is time to exercise some restraint in pictures. After all, I want the house to be a surprise to be revealed during the house warming, right?
But, just to satifsy your curiousity, here's a couple of pictures I snapped today:
Balau strip gates.
The house is now Monterrey Brown. Beats Canary Yellow anyday!
I *heart* Monterry Brown!
My 3rd floor attic (aka walk up closet) is complete!
Back door.
Having two extra hours to spare before heading to Seventh Heaven for my monthly facial, I decided to drop by a friend's house. I wanted to pick up the Jumperoo which I had loaned to her.
Presenting Danya. And her truckload of toys.
Aiden obviously had the time of his life, trying out every single piece of toy that Danya owned.
Aiden tried to include Danya in the game.

But Danya looked at us forlornly, as if thinking "Why is this BOY playing with my toys? It's mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Aiden even tried to sabotage Danya's meal time.
Finally! Rub rub eye to indicate feeling of sleepyness.
Yeah right! Lawan mata of course. Danya's toys were more interesting than sleep!
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