My Dad called my mobile early in the morning to remind us to drop by Crystal Crown to pass to him the DVD hubby made - the one with Aiden's progress pictures from birth till he turned one. So we crawled out of bed and got ready. He kept calling me every 15 minutes to check on our whereabouts. Talk about pressure! When we got there, everyone had already gathered at the lobby. Naturally, we were the last to arrive!
And when all of Datuk Yahaya's grandchildrens get together, of course it calls for a photo opportunity!

Marissa: Ohhh boring!!! Come on Aiden!

Aiden was supposed to have his make-up Gymboree class on that day, but we only remembered half way to Shah Alam and Mummy wasn't prepared for the class. Not only didn't I have socks with me, but Aiden was wearing jeans when he is actually required to wear shorts to class to expose his knees when crawling around the Gymboree set up.
So we continued on our journey to Shah Alam. Remember the maid's room issue? Well, after brainstroming for ideas to creatively solve the space problem, the ID contractor finally agreed to my suggestion of knocking down part of the new walkway wall to make it part of her room to make space for the bed so that she has the whole of the existing space for her closet, to do her prayers and stuff like that. Wow. Long sentence! So, did I manage to confuse you just yet? Well, they say pictures say a thousand words:

When I arrived, they were finishing the brickwork for the master bedroom extension.

The existing wall of the master bedroom, still intact.

My new corner windows for the master bedroom. Can't wait!

Knocked down the existing patio windows. This shall now be installed with a one-piece tempered glass, just like the show house.

New patio opening from the outside.

Knocked down the existing wall and windows of the guest room. The guest room shall now be extended complete with a built-in shoe rack (opens externally at the porch but protruding into the room) and a sliding door to the small side garden beside the dry kitchen.

The side garden beside the dry kitchen. At the end is the wet kitchen window.

Knocked down the dry kitchen windows as well, because the height of the existing windows were too tall for the size of the kitchen cabinet countertop. The guest room windows shall be recycled for use here. The window overlooks the small side garden outside.

View of the side garden from the wet kitchen window. Can you see the bricked up wall of the guest bedroom at the end?

Now, the maid's room. See the new (unfinished) opening? The rear door shall now be placed there. The old opening is already cemented and made into a second window for Bibik.

Bibik now has two windows beside her bed and a nice view of the garden!

Bibik's room from the inside. Knocked down part of the new wall to make more space for the room. So Bibik's bed can be placed parallel to the two windows.

The mess in the garden!

New horizontal lines to match the existing ones at the porch.

We had to cement one of the windows at the living hall.

After that we left for MidValley as Daddy had to change some of his money into Singapore currency before he left for his "second home" that night. And also to do some groceries, and of course, eat!

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