So how did you celebrate your 101010?
Unlike most of my fellow friends who have been complaining about the long list of weddings they have to attend on that auspicious date, our only activities for the day were
attending an astronaut's wedding of the year, googling pictures of Aqasha's surprising wedding (nie semua gara gara Hubby suka perasan that he looks like Aqasha) waiting for some furniture delivery and a birthday party invite from a fellow neighbour cum blogger.
Sara mentioned that the birthday party was going to have a SpongeBob SquarePants theme, I made it a point to always be on the look out for a suitable outfit for Aiden. Unfortunately as the date of the party approached closer and closer, I was still unlucky in the shopping department despite enlisting help from fellow shopaholics to be on the lookout for a SpongeBob t-shirt.
Come Saturday morning, I was still SpongeBob-less. So I decided to make an early move from the house to check out Ikano, since Sara mentioned in the invite that she saw some SpongeBob t-shirts at that mall. Even though she did say that guests didn't have to dress up strictly to the theme, I felt guilty for not making the same effort as she made for Aiden's birthday back in April! She actually made a
romper to look like a football jersey especially for her (then) 7-month old Aidan! I was
oh-so impressed!
So off we went to Ikano. See above for picture proof. Daddy, Aiden and Bibik stayed in the car while Mummy went to EVERY single kiosk on EVERY single floor. I found a SpongeBob cap, a SpongeBob bag, but no t-shirts!
So in the end I had to settle with something in black and yellow, yellow to keep with the SpongeBob theme. Initially thought of purchasing the cap but knowing Aiden who hates having to wear anything on his head, I purchased the bag instead.
Arrived at the house just in time for our furniture delivery. Have you ever heard of Red Apple? They are used quite frequently by Eric Leong, so when I saw them at HomeDec, I immediately thought of him *grin*

So while they were busy unpacking, I started wrapping Aidan's birthday present.
I did quite a good job wrapping considering the abnormal shape.
So this was what I purchased for Aiden. A Batman outfit, complete with cape at the back and all. The plan was to let him wear the bag at the back. Batman with a SpongeBob jet pack!
After the furniture guys left, Daddy got excited with installing blinds for the house. Of course, Aiden wanted to help as well.
Aiden testing his height.

See, Aiden
menyibuk - as usual.

In the end, we had to keep him occupied with doddling on paper.
When the blinds have been installed to the satisfaction of dear Hubby, we finally left for the birthday party. Aidan's first birthday party was just a stone's throw away from our house. However, despite the short distance, we were fashionably late! When we arrived, they had already smacked the pinata into pieces, sang the birthday song and cut the cake. Kesian Aiden!

Aiden was amazed at the number of kids running around the garden. Meanwhile, Daddy made Aiden don the SpongeBob backpack. Picture courtesy of
Stephanie Liah.
Probably the only picture of Mummy during the birthday party. Still waiting for Sara's official birthday pictures. Picture courtesy of
Stephanie Liah.

Of course we then received a guided tour around Sara's new house. I was really amazed at their daring home deco. Imagine being able to dine at an Itallianies/TGIF inspired dry kitchen every single day, at the comfort of your own home!

Aiden was more interesting on being outdoors rather than indoors! Picture courtesy of
Fatin Mazura.

Aiden and Emir. Picture courtesy of
Fatin Mazura.

And Fatin was so nice to even indulge my son in a photograph or two. According to Fatin, after she snapped the picture he insisted on looking at the picture display. So cute!

Aiden met someone around his age group.

And wanted to make friends with Ryan.

And then the whole crowd went home and left Aiden clapping his hands on his own.

Don't go home! Please!!!", said Aiden.

pujuk Aiden, Mummy brought Aiden to see the half eaten cake.

But Aiden further comforted himself by sweeping Aunty Sara's porch.
Apart from Aiden enjoying himself, Mummy enjoyed herself immensely as well. Besides meeting up with the birthday boy's Mum, I also met Fatin, Wirda and someone I have never met before apart from the few exchange of comments in the virtual world.
Zurin, it was good meeting you. Finally, a face to match to a name!
Sorry tak sempat borak lama but we will definitely meet up again in the future! (Amazing how the blogging world has slowly but surely expanded my network of friends.)

The buffet line up. Can you see the balloon spirals? Sara made them herself. Need to learn from her, cos it is definitely less costly than getting them from Balloon Buzz.
Happy First Birthday, Aidan!
Cute cupcakes. I ate two (or more) of those chocolate cuppies on the top tier. Discovered that those delicious cuppies were made by Zurin, when I read her blog. Still waiting for that cupcake recipe, dear!

Daddy gets to eat first while Mummy supervises Aiden.

The SpongeBob themed party pack.

Feeding Aiden with some sugar overdose.

Fueled with sugar, Aiden started playing with the only other toddler still playing in the garden. Lucky Sara, her corner house has a very spacious garden for the kids to run around.

Dimple alert!

tanduk balloon.

Aiden blowing the balloon away.

Running after the balloon together.

Batman and the balloon.

Throwing the balloon towards the guests.

And then Aniq joined them. There they were, the last three kids in the garden.

Aiden looking curiously at Aniq.

So this was what Aiden received from the party: an inflatable SpongeBob, a yellow bouncy ball and a party pack. On the left is the SpongeBob bag that Mummy purchased in Ikano.
Thank you for the invite, Aidan, Sara and Khairi!
you have a costume for aiden! greaaat!
ReplyDelete(yup..dont care recycled costume so long its not a footballer again :P )
ps: saw a cute pumpkin costume at toysrus.
I KNOW!!! I saw the cutesy pumpkin costume at toysrus and actually contemplated on buying it for Danya's party. Girls are so much easier to dress up, uurrgggghhhh....